Tim Anderson (also known around the internet as kiyoshigawa) is a Utah-native maker / hacker, and this is his personal website. It's here as a place to show off some of the things that Tim has done. The Blog has writeups for many of his projects over the years, as well as anything else he thought was interesting enough to put up on the internet. The GitHub page has links to some of his more interesting GitHub repos, so you don't need to wade through all the old repos from the distant past to find something interesting.
Tim has been a member of the local utah Hackerspace / Makerspace scene since its inception in late summer of 2009 with HackSLC. HackSLC later became the Transistor, which currently still persists as 801 Labs. He was also a founding member of MakeSLC, though he doesn't get around to visiting MakeSLC of late. He wrote a blog post about the history of the local hackerspaces and the general timelines related to their founding since people are always asking about them.